About Takshila

About Us

One step closer to nature with luxury

Hotel the Takshila is situated at the lap of nature in the Leh town. It is situated just a mile away from the leh main market. This hotel is a blend of luxury with a touch of tradition. You can enjoy the time gazing at the great Himalayan mountain ranges.

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We Serve Fresh and
Delicious Food

Suscipit libero pretium nullam potenti. Interdum, blandit
phasellus consectetuer dolor ornare dapibus enim ut tincidunt
rhoncus tellus sollicitudin pede nam maecenas, dolor sem.
Neque sollicitudin enim. Dapibus lorem feugiat facilisi
faucibus et. Rhoncus.

We Serve Fresh and
Delicious Food

Suscipit libero pretium nullam potenti. Interdum, blandit
phasellus consectetuer dolor ornare dapibus enim ut tincidunt
rhoncus tellus sollicitudin pede nam maecenas, dolor sem.
Neque sollicitudin enim. Dapibus lorem feugiat facilisi
faucibus et. Rhoncus.
